Make your Brand Memorable
The second step in our Visual Branding guideline is how to make your brand memorable. Okay sure sounds simple enough but exactly how do you go about and do this? Good question. We have outlined a few key areas you can focus on to help make your brand memorable.
A. Choosing the right Name
One of the most crucial decisions you make when starting a business or launching a new product/service is choosing the right name. You want a name that will help make your brand memorable and that will give you an advantage over your competitors. Here are a few tips to consider when choosing the right name:

- In order to have a strong name, it should be simple and easy to pronounce.
- Try to be unique and creative, most of the common names are already taken so you need to come up with something new, fresh and unforgettable.
- Don’t forget your name is the first impression people will get when it comes to your business, make sure it is a good one.
- Choose a name that will embody both your values and your company’s unique characteristics, things you’ll want to communicate to your consumers.
- Avoid using puns or acronyms, people first looking for your site will not understand what they mean and will be confused about your company.
Once you have your list of potential names ready you need to make sure they are available. Domain names are harder to come by, so checking to see if they are available is crucial to do before you fall in love with one specific name.
If you are stuck and are still over-thinking how to come up with name options for your company and need some more help, check out this article for an awesome breakdown of what makes a good name. You can also watch this video for some good ideas on how to come up with the best business name to make your brand memorable.
B. Deciding on the right Look
There are many aspects that combine together to make the look and feel of your business. Next to your company name, the look needs to further detail your company’s story. When someone sees your logo or comes to your website what do you want them to feel? Below we have outlined a few key areas to help you choose the right look to make your brand memorable.
- Your Logo is the most essential and valuable visual component of your brand as it will represent your company through every aspect of branding and marketing. If you missed our previous blog post “The Importance of a Good Logo”, you should check it out.
- Colours – Colour can have a huge impact on a user’s perception, feelings and emotions. Therefore it is important you choose the right colours to tell your story. There’s a psychological attachment to each colour which inflicts different emotions. Finding the perfect colour for your story can harmonize your brand.
- Keep it simple – don’t confuse your audience
- Font Style – Every font has a distinct personality and character, so you need to be thoughtful when you select one. Some fonts are traditional and formal, others are elegant and refined, and some playful and whimsical; make sure you choose the right one for your brand.
- Keep it consistent – using the same size images, filters, colours, and font styles across all your visual platforms is key to being consistent in telling your story. It helps create a cohesion, so that if a customer follows you on one platform (Facebook, website, blog, Instagram, etc.) instead of another, they still get the same story.
By creating the right look you are able to make your brand memorable and your customers will recognize you over your competitors.
C. Finding your Voice / Personality
Your tone of voice isn’t about what you say but how you say it—and it’s about the impression your brand leaves on customers. It can be tricky to express yourself properly online when someone is just reading your content so you need to be careful on how you say things. Developed correctly, your tone of voice can be the secret to the success of your company.
- Your tone should express your brand’s personality, values and it is what should set you apart from your competition.
- Typography is a HUGE part of visual branding as mentioned above. The type of font you use helps convey your tone and message. Using a quirky font would not be appropriate for building awareness on a serious topic, you would just be confusing your users.
- You can visually add tone to your words to get your message across. Humor is a great way to connect with your audience when done right.
- Playful, serious, or environmentally conscious all attracts a specific audience, make sure you talk to your audience in a way that makes sense to your business.

If you still need help understanding how you find your ‘Tone of Voice’ here is a great article you could check out: Finding Your Brand’s Voice.
As a result, all these areas have one thing in common, how they make your user feel. You want to make sure the first impression people get from hearing your name, seeing your logo, or interpreting your voice are all positive. You want to make your brand memorable in a positive way. Your brand should tell a story and it is up to you to craft that story to show your company in a specific way.
If you missed our first instalment to our Visual Branding Guide – – Visual Branding 101 – Part 1: Building Your Brand Identity check it out. And check back for Part 3: Getting your brand out there.