Communicate and collaborate more effectively
AllCore’s Hosted Exchange
Hosted Exchange delivers enhancements to email, calendars, contacts, chat, content management and more. And it makes these tools as rich and easy-to-use on mobile devices as they are on desktops and laptops.
Save capital and eliminate worries
It’s the best of both worlds: you deploy Exchange to improve employee collaboration and mobility. And you leverage AllCore’s cloud to save capital and eliminate worries. This gives you more effective employees on the one hand, and a leaner and more focused IT on the other.
Hosted Exchange offers a platform for all your business activities, including email, calendars, contacts, chat, content management and more. It aligns your people, makes them more mobile, and enables them to share information better than any other platform.

Conversation View
Groups messages from a single conversation together which can then be managed, moved and deleted.

SMS Sync
Exchange ActiveSync® now provides the ability to send and receive SMS text messages from OWA on devices with Windows 6.1 or later.

Search and Filters
Powerful advanced queries and easier to apply filters from a convenient drop down menu.

Shared Calendar
Providing the ability to check schedules and availability of users.
Single Page Messages
All messages are displayed on one page regardless of the size of the folder.
Nickname Cache
Helps users address email more quickly by providing a suggested name list as a new address is typed.
25 GB Storage
1 Free E-mail Account
Colorful indicators to let the user know if their contact is available to chat.
Instant Messaging
Contains OCS instant messaging functionality within the client.
Free ActiveSync
Free Message Mirror Archiving
Contact us today to get this great service!
You can call 1-866-320-0011 or fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
What we can help you achieve
Organization | Consistency | Reliability | Efficiency
Why Choose AllCore Hosted Exchange?
How we stack up where it matters!
Learn why AllCore is the right choice for your Hosted Exchange
At AllCore our focus is to leverage technology in an effort to simplify the life of our business clients. In order to achieve this goal we are constantly exploring new technologies, solutions and their applications for our clients.
With 122,500,453,020 emails are sent every hour it is clear that email is still the standard for communicating in today’s business world. But how reliable is your email? Is it archived or encrypted? How many SPAM messages or viruses do you get a day from your email?
Our email solutions can address all of your email needs, and protect your inbox from junk, viruses and unwanted garbage emails.
Talk to our team today and let us help you decide what tools are best for your company email.

What is Hosted Exchange?
Hosted Exchange is the most popular business email system in the world and is the most widely-used business-grade email system in North America. It is the preferred email platform for more than 170 million people around the world. Businesses use Exchange for email, calendaring, task management, address lists, accessing shared document repositories, mobility and much more.
How does Hosted Exchange work?
Hosted Exchange is a service where your Microsoft E-Mail box, space and data is available on a server which makes your E-Mail safer and more reliable.